Use the below commands to generate LivingDoc report
set DIR=%~dp0
chdir /d %DIR%
livingdoc test-assembly Sales_API.dll -t TestExecution.json
Timeout 10
This blog is a valuable resource for those seeking to expand their knowledge of software testing. It provides a wealth of information on various software testing concepts, as well as a comprehensive collection of interview questions and answers. If you are looking to enhance your skills and expertise in software testing, this blog is an excellent starting point for your learning journey.
Use the below commands to generate LivingDoc report
set DIR=%~dp0
chdir /d %DIR%
livingdoc test-assembly Sales_API.dll -t TestExecution.json
Timeout 10
.\gradlew.bat test --tests RunTests
1. Download and install node.js
2. Open the cmd and type npm --version to check the npm version and type npm init.
3. After the initialization, Go to your project folder and Type 'npm install cypress --save-dev'
4. Wait for the installation to complete.
5. Cypress will be installed in your project folder (Cypress has now been installed in your ./node_modules directory, with its binary executable accessible from ./node_modules/.bin.)
6. Delete the cypress file from ./node_modules/.bin
7. Verify the cypress by using npx cypress verify.
8. To open the cypress, type cypress open and wait for a few seconds, the cypress application will be opened.
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