Showing posts with label dotnet test. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dotnet test. Show all posts

Thursday, May 5, 2022

How to pass parameters to the dotnet test command while using NUnit

If you want to avoid a runsettings file, you can use this workaround


string browser = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Browser") ?? "chrome";

Note: Selection of browser is through an environment variable. Defaults to Chrome if unprovided.


set DIR=%~dp0

chdir /d %DIR% 


SET Browser=firefox

dotnet test project.dll --filter TestCategory="Sanity"

Timeout 10

If you want to launch the test from an Azure DevOps (fka VSTS or TFS) pipeline, you can simply use the $(...) notation to inline variables

SET TestPassword=$(TestPassword)

dotnet test $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\MyCompany.MyProduct.UITests\MyTest.csproj --configuration $(BuildConfiguration) --collect "Code Coverage" --logger trx --results-directory $(Agent.TempDirectory)